1232 经验值

这个是新的element-ui 的导航组件有问题。

found in

---> <ElMenu>

   <Header> at resources/assets/js/components/header.vue

warn @ app.js:1086
handleError @ app.js:1169
callHook @ app.js:3313
insert @ app.js:4198
invokeInsertHook @ app.js:6151
patch @ app.js:6354
Vue._update @ app.js:3060
updateComponent @ app.js:3184
get @ app.js:3527
Watcher @ app.js:3516
mountComponent @ app.js:3188
Vue$3.$mount @ app.js:8591
Vue$3.$mount @ app.js:10781
Vue._init @ app.js:4913
Vue$3 @ app.js:4998
(anonymous) @ app.js:16530
__webpack_require__ @ app.js:20
Object.defineProperty.value @ app.js:16493
__webpack_require__ @ app.js:20
Object.defineProperty.value @ app.js:63
(anonymous) @ app.js:66

老师,我用的 vue-router 建立的组件 ,npm run watch 后 每次都 this.domNode.setAttribute is not a function 我的npm的dependencies 是这样的"dependencies": {

    "element-ui": "^2.0.0-alpha.1",
    "vue-agile": "^0.2.6",
    "vue-router": "^2.7.0",
    "vue": "^2.4.4"


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

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    <title>Page Expired</title>

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        html, body {
            background-color: #fff;
            color: #636b6f;
            font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
            font-weight: 100;
            height: 100vh;
            margin: 0;

        .full-height {
            height: 100vh;

        .flex-center {
            align-items: center;
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;

        .position-ref {
            position: relative;

        .content {
            text-align: center;

        .title {
            font-size: 36px;
            padding: 20px;
    <div class="flex-center position-ref full-height">
        <div class="content">
            <div class="title">
                    The page has expired due to inactivity.
Please refresh and try again.


ping++测试微信支付webhook 老是419. 回复好像不能发图..

@jellybool, 我用的ping++对接的微信支付,
Route::post('webhook', 'WebhookController@index'); //webhook 路由
public function index(Request $request)

    dd($raw_data = file_get_contents('php://input'));

